Tuesday, July 27, 2010

paintings by nessy chap!

I will be having my first children's exhibition in September 2010, with a group called The Art Tree Group :

The theme is "A Mad Tea Party", and all of the works will be based on Lewis Carroll's books Adventures of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

This is the most amazingly talented and diverse group of emerging artists that come together a few times a year to exhibit and I am so honoured to be part of it.

On the right is my work "Down the Rabbit Hole" which is a scene from the book that exists but kind of doesn't exist at the same time. We know Alice follows the rabbit down the rabbit hole and she describes the curiosities she sees along the way. Generally the focus by illustrators is on Alice falling, (or floating really) but I thought I would depict the white rabbit's decent instead. Without going into all the detail,
there is lots of me in this picture too!

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